МАНИРУБ - денег и удачи в делах
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    Яндекс.Метрика Рассылка 'Манируб - денег и удачи в делах'

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    МАНИРУБ - денег и удачи в делах
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    Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 27.07.2024, 09:23

    Any thought can be expressed though concepts. The concepts are reflected phenomenons of the reality and indissolubly connected with a main language unit – a WORD. The concepts are expressing and fastening in words and word-combinations, without which it is not possible neither the comprehension of concepts nor the operating of them.

    In the book "NUMBERS FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS" to every concept corresponds its managing number row. At such approach, the numbers represent connecting key links between the thinking and the controlling of the practical reality, describing through concepts.

    From the other side, number series are a norm of events, which are closely connected with a concrete concept. The concentration of the attention on managing numbers are returning the lost status of eventual norm. And independently from the primary position, provides the favourable development of a situation in future. For this it is only necessary to know the numbers...

    The superiority of number methods of control – is in their availability, lightless and simplicity. How to use these methods in practice, with details are explained in the introduction of the book. The description is done in relatively compressed, simple and available form. The content is stated so, that in the most reliable way, the reader can capture all present base of knowledge.

    How the Book Has To Be Used

    In the process of reading, not putting aside, start to use suggested recommendations for the decision of real tasks. The structure of the edition allows instantly to apply the control in practice, – for its own benefit and for your business benefit, which will get advantage from new knowledges.

    This is a table guide, which will be always near at hand at your desktop.

    The task of the guide – by searching-thematic query to give in the order of a user a number row, necessary for control. The using of number series, in combination with methods and modes of its application, allows to control the events of internal and external reality. To create warning prognosis and make control of events development.

    Managing number series, in accordance with terms, concepts and definitions, you can easily find according to capital letters, organized in the alphabetical order. Thus your address to the guide has to be more exact as possible.

    In this guide of managing number series there are information about all aspects of business. Enough laconically, never the less, the edition contents all exhaustive information. You can take many useful for yourself, opening the book this book at any page.

    The essence is in that, that at first is happening the self-training: – in an original format of book-guide. As a result, the forming of abilities and working off skills of direct control on events, are becoming extremely effective. That indisputably is very valuable and meaningful for readers, and quite new for business edition.

    Your success will depend on practical application of technologies, methods and new knowledges.

    Value of Every Line

    The book will be equally useful for leaders of yet existing companies, who are striving for stable growth and development, and for those, who only are making planes to open its business and want to be sure in success.

    If you are the leader, and want to obtain improvements of your business, necessarily buy this book to all your employers. The men will avail technologies and methodologies of eternal life and your company will be successful considerably quicker, then you are thinking.

    Because the most primal wishes of people – are to be healthy and clever, and only later people desire to be beautiful, strong, provided, famous, rich and so on.

    With confidence it can be said, that opening this book, everybody will find for himself not simply the working guide in business, but real way for eternal life. The practice of eternal development are very quickly returns a man to the life of full value, forever delivers from the shadow named poverty.

    The using of technologies of eternal life provides the normal health and active vital functions. Eliminates negative events. For this the archievement of personal aims are going by the way of realization of eternal, healthy, harmonious life for all people.

    Grabovoi G.P. "Numbers for successful business" – LINK



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